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Tutoring and Education - Difference and CommonalitiesTutoring and education have evolved into parallel systems. Tutoring is a system where t...

Thursday, March 5, 2020

3 Lessons to Take Away from Your First Year of Teaching

3 Lessons to Take Away from Your First Year of Teaching You did ityouve experienced all the joys and tribulations that come with your first year of teaching. There is no doubt that youve learned a plethora of lessons this past school year, such as how to schedule your time and how to successfully work with others in your school. Now, take time to acknowledge these lessons and to find ways to learn from them as you go into your next year of teaching. Here are three lessons to take away from your first year of teaching: Teaching lesson #1: how to manage your time As you well know, there is a seemingly infinite amount of time that you spend on schoolwork. The list of tasks includes, but is not limited to: Lesson planning Grading papers and tests Sending emails to parents Professional development opportunities Finding new technology to incorporate into your classroom. During your first year, it can seem like everything needs to be done in that moment and that everything takes a long time. This summer, take stock of whats most important to get donein other words, what needs immediate attentionand plan your weeks accordingly. You can also try scheduling time to complete specific tasks. Lastly, decide on an approximate end-time in your day or week where you stop schoolwork and relax or focus on other tasks. This doesnt need to be a strict time, but its important to maintain a healthy work/life balance. [RELATED: 4 Ways Personalized Learning Positively Impacts Students] Teaching lesson #2: understanding your schools culture By now youve figured out that your school is one in a million; your administration, staff, students, and even the location of your school add up to something distinctive and uniquewhich, of course, has both positives and negatives. Getting to know the cultural norms of your school and your administration is helpful for figuring out how to merge your vision of your classroom with your principals. Where do your values overlap? What can you offer your classroom and your school that is unique to your abilities? Additionally, learn about what your administration offers in terms of funding and professional development opportunities. These may not be advertised outright. Ask your principal directly, or connect with a veteran teacher in your school. Your administration will be happy to know you are taking initiative to improve both your teaching and your school. [RELATED: 3 Emerging EdTech Tools That Can Spark an Interest in Learning] Teaching lesson #3: how to invest in your community Schools are huge parts of the community-at-large, as you likely know. With that said, let your community be a part of your classroom. First, think in terms of your school itself. What are some ways you can develop and deepen relationships with fellow teachers and your administration? This can be as simple as prioritizing positive interactions with them on a daily basis, or as elaborate as collaborating together on integrated units or asking a veteran teacher to be your mentor. Secondly, think about how you can involve the community in your classroom teaching and vice versa. What kind of field trips might help you and your class network with relevant organizations and important issues? Are there any community members that youd like to bring in to your classroom (with your administrations approval, of course) to do an interactive lesson or job talk? Activities like this will help build your students sense of being part of a larger community, and will help you take advantage of the skil ls and knowledge of others. [RELATED: 3 Ways Teachers Can Encourage Passion for Learning This Semester] The summer after your first year of teaching is a great time to destress and to reflect on what youve learned. Considering what went well and what didnt will help you improve as an educator and help you serve your students needs more effectively. This is a great time to communicate with other first-year teachers and swap experiences, too! Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at blog@varsitytutors.com.

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